

Shop Local Socials

Dates: November 6, 2014 and November 13, 2014

The Concept
Connecting Elements started off as one family's concept and hard work, just like so many other locally owned small business ventures. We all decided it was time to start being more involved in our communities, and the Shop Local Socials were born as a way to get our fellow small business owners a little more recognition, while getting to know our own customers and associates even better.

The Event
We wanted to keep it small and fun, so we extended an invitation to a handful of local craft artisans to set up in our newly upgraded Columbia, SC showroom to show and sell their wares for a few hours on two different dates in November. Villa Tronco, South Carolina's oldest restaurant, specializing in delicious Italian fare, happily provided some of their famous hors d'oeuvres for our guests. We invited CEI customers and associates to come by for the Socials to shop, sip on wines and coffee, sample the Italian goodies, and enjoy some good conversation surrounded by the fresh, modern open office furnishings.

Shop Local Socials

November 6 & 13, 2014

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