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6 Qualities You Should Look For When Selecting Furniture For Healthcare Environments

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Hospitals, doctors’ offices, and clinics have specific needs when it comes to furniture. As with any setting that caters to the public, you’re concerned about safety and durability. But furnishing places where people go when they need medical attention can be tricky.

Don’t worry. We have the answers.

Here are six things you have to think about when you are planning to purchase furniture for a...

How to Select an Ergonomic Office Chair

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You spend a lot of time sitting behind your desk. It’s where the magic happens. But at the end of the day, your back hurts and your legs are a little numb — all thanks to your chair. This isn’t healthy for you or your team.

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that you’re ready to find better seating options. And an ergonomic office chair is exactly what you need. In order to find the one best...


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